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Shaving revolution

女性のための“かおそり”women’s face shavingをご存知ですか。古来より、日本の女性は好んで顔を剃ります。私たち日本人は、黒い髪、黒い瞳、黒い眉です。実は、目には見えませんが、顔に生える細かなうぶ毛も、黒い色をしています。なので、その肌を覆う、細かくて黒いうぶ毛をキレイに剃ると、肌が明るくなるのです。

Today I'm going to introduce about Japanese traditional beauty "Kaosori".
Have you ever heard of "Kaosori"? Kaosori is Japanese Traditional Beauty shaving for women's faces. From ancient times, Japanese women were shaving their faces by themselves. Japanese people have black hair, black eyes and black eyebrows. Actually, we can not see it with our eyes. And there are black downy hairs growing on the face too. So, when shaving the black downy hairs covering our skin, the skin becomes brightly and beautiful. From this, the Japanese beauty "Kaosori" culture started.

それは、清潔感を好む美意識と、きめ細やかな美肌にあこがれるためです。白さに敬意を持つ民族性が、黒い体毛を恥じらいと感じるからです。例えば、挙式前のかおそりは、今でも受け継がれる習慣のひとつです。ドレスアップのために、顔や襟、背中の毛を剃って肌を輝かせます。エステティックサロン、ネイルサロン、まつエクサロンの他、女性専用の「かおそり専門店women’s shaving salon」があるのは日本だけです。

I have a question for everyone. Why do you think Japanese women were shaving their faces?
Because, Japanese people prefer cleanliness and beautiful fine texture. Our ethnicity is ashamed of black downy hairs growing. So, we always want to have white skin. And Japanese people appreciate with skin. For example, there is custom handed down even now. It is the wedding ceremony. When we do the Japanese traditional dressing up, we clean the face, collar, back and so on. In this way, there are original Japanese beauty customers, culture and traditional techniques.

日本の「かみそり」は、海外のシェーバーとは異なり、元々「髪を剃る」道具として僧侶のために開発されました。その原型は、日本刀japanese swordが小さくなったものです。日本の刀鍛冶の文化から発展した「かみそり」は、肌のあたりがとてもやさしく滑らかです。そのため肌を傷めずに毛を剃ることができます。とても女性向きといえます。

Next talk about Japan's razor called "Kamisori".
It is used for "Kaosori". The overseas razors are different types to Japan's "Kamisori". It was originally developed for priests as to shave their hair. The prototype of the razor is a blade of a Japanese sword which become smaller. "Kamisori" developed from the Japanese sword smith culture, so it is very gentle to the skin. There fore you can shave black downy hairs without damaging your skin. So it is very suitable for women.


"Kaosori" has three good points.
First, the black downy hairs covering the skin disappear, so the transparency increases and your skin color will become much brighter. Second, making your makeup harder to collapse. Thirdly, beauty essence can be enhanced and the skin's environment can also be improved.
As a result of these, you can get glossy and smooth skin. And you can also get a beautiful line by shaving your eyebrows and the nape of your neck.


Japanese traditional beauty "Kaosori" can bright up yourself as well as shine your skin. It can be said that it is a very valuable cosmetic method worldwide which makes your skin beautiful using a Japanese traditional sword of "Kamisori".
If you have never experienced "Kaosori" yet, please try it. Thank you.

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